Every Little Step Counts (Pilot Study)

Community-Based Participatory Research to Improve Health and Quality of Life of Latino Youth

Principal Investigators: Gabriel Q. Shaibi

Funding: National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, center grant award P20 MD002316 NIMHD (2009-2012)

This study addressed Latino youth obesity through a culturally adapted exercise program. Aims: 1) expand and refine the cultural proficiency and the theory-informed content of a community-based intervention and 2) evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention on physical and mental health outcomes of obese Latino adolescents. The proposed project was completed in two phases which acknowledge the complexities of culturally-relevant, community-based research. Phase I expanded and evaluated the cultural proficiency of the critical inputs of the theory-informed self-efficacy enhancing intervention using a participatory approach.  Phase II evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of the Every Little Step Counts (ELSC) program on T2DM risk markers and quality of life (QOL). Participants were 16 obese Latino adolescents between the ages of 13 -17.

Castro, F. G., Shaibi, G. Q., & Boehm-Smith, E. (2009). Ecodevelopmental contexts for preventing Type 2 diabetes in Latino and other racial/ethnic minority populations. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32, 89-105. doi: 10.1007/s10865-008-9194-z.  Read full article PMCID: PMC2798813

Davis, J. N., Ventura, E. E., Shaibi, G. Q., Byrd-Williams, C. E., Alexander, K. E., Vanni, A. K., Meija, M. R., Weigensberg, M. J., Spruijt-Metz, D., & Goran, M. I. (2010). Interventions for improving metabolic risk in overweight Latino youth. International Journal Pediatric Obesity, 5, 451-455.

Greenwood-Ericksen, M. B., Chapman, C. R., Konopken, Y., Ertl, J., & Shaibi, G. Q. (2010). Sustainability of a culturally informed community-based diabetes prevention program for obese Latino youth. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 1(2), 83-87. doi: 10.1177/2150131910368864.

Ryder, Vega-Lopez, S., Ortega, R., Konopken, Y., & Shaibi, G. Q. (2013). Lifestyle intervention improves lipoprotein particle size and distribution without weight-loss in obest Latino adolescents. Pediatric Obesity. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/j.I2047T-6310.201Y3.00162.x

Shaibi, G. Q., Davis, J., Weigensberg, M., & Goran, M. (2011). Improving insulin resistance in obese youth: Choose your measures wisely. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6, e290-e296 doi:10.3109/17477166.2010.528766

Shaibi, G. Q., Greenwood-Ericksen, M. B.., Chapman, C. R., Konopken, Y., & Ertl, J. (2010). Development, implementation, and effects of community-based diabetes prevention program for obese Latino youth. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 1, 3, 206–212. doi: 10.1177/2150131910377909.  Read full article PMCID: PMC3068841

Shaibi, G. Q., Konopken, Y., Ortega, R., Hoppin, E., Keller, C. S., & Castro F. G. (2012). Effects of a culturally-grounded community-based diabetes prevention program for obese Latino adolescents. The Diabetes Educator, 38, 504-512.  doi: 10.1177/0145721712446635 NIHMSID:NIHMS422516

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