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Completed Research Collaborations



Completed Research Collaborations

SIRC often collaborates in research led by partners at ASU, other academic institutions, and community organizations. Below is a list of completed research collaborations.   


HOLA (Hombres Ofreciendo Liderazgo y Ayuda)

Culturally-Grounded HIV Prevention for MSM

Principal Investigator: Scott Rhodes

SIRC Collaborators: Flavio F. Marsiglia

Funding: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, award 02520-09.


Ho‘ouna Pono: Drug Prevention for Rural Hawaiian Youth


Principal Investigator: Scott K. Okamoto

SIRC Collaborators: Stephen Kulis and Patricia Dustman

Funding: National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse, award K01DA019884 &  R34 DA031306 (2011-2013)

A curriculum development and feasibility study to create and pilot test a culturally grounded substance use prevention intervention for rural native Hawaiian middle school youth.


Asthma Disparities in Latino Children: Acculturation, Illness Representations & CAM


Principal Investigator: Kim Arcoleo

SIRC Collaborators: Flavio F. Marsiglia

Funding: National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, award R01AT005216 (2009-2013)


COPE/Healthy Lifestyles for Teens: a School-based RCT


Principal Investigator: Bern Mellnyk

SIRC Collaborators: Flavio F. Marsiglia

Funding: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research, award R01 1NR012171 (2009-2013)


The Development and Evaluation of the Ho’Ouna Pono Drug Prevention Curriculum


Principal Investigator: Scott K. Okamoto