Community Advisory Board (CAB)

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) of the Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) serves a variety of critically important roles in support of the Center’s mission to partner with communities to conduct research and develop solutions that eliminate health disparities. Volunteer members are nominated and elected by SIRC's CAB, which is comprised of outstanding representatives from local community-based organizations, health care systems, schools, and state, county and city agencies.

CAB Mission

To advise SIRC leadership and serve as a liaison between SIRC and the larger community.

CAB Goals

  • To facilitate SIRC's community engagement approach by promoting communication and collaboration between ASU researchers and community partners engaged in health disparities work.
  • To support the implementation of innovative research so that interventions and services can be sustained in real world settings. 
  • To assist with the translation and dissemination of research findings to practitioners, policy makers and the general public.

CAB Meetings

The CAB meets four times a year. Additionally, members participate on at least one of the four standing subcommittees, see CAB Committees


Contact Information: 

Cinthia Martinez - Senior Program Manager, Community Engagement 


Phone: 480-727-4347