Native Youth Social Competence and Resiliency (Pilot Study)
Principal Investigators: Craig LeCroy
Funding: National Institutes of Health/ National Institute on Drug Abuse, award R24 DA13937 (2002-2007)
This study employed mixed methods (focus groups, surveys) to explore cultural influences and social contexts of substance use risk and resiliency among American Indian (AI) middle school students in urban and semi-urban settings. The study identified representative problem situations where AI youth encountered drug offers, typical ways of responding to these offers, and assessed socially competent drug resistance skills from a Native perspective.
Hurdle, D. E., Okamoto, S. K., & Miles, B. (2003). Family influences on alcohol and drug use by American Indian youth: Implications for prevention. Journal of Family Social Work, 7, 53-68.
Kulis, S., & Brown, E. F. (2011). Preferred drug resistance strategies of urban American Indian youth of the southwest. Journal of Drug Education, 41, 203-235. doi: 10.2190/DE.41.2.e Read full article PMCID: PMC3170049
Kulis, S., Okamoto, S., Rayle, A., & Nyakoe, S. (2006). Social contexts of drug offers among American Indian youth and their relationship to substance use. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 12, 20-44. doi: 10.1037/1099-9809.12.1.30. Read full article PMCID: PMC3046425
Kulis, S., Reeves, L. J., Dustman, P. A., & †O’Neill, M. (2011). Strategies to resist drug offers among urban American Indian youth of the Southwest: An enumeration, classification, and analysis by substance and offeror. Substance Use and Misuse, 46, 1395-1409. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2011.592433. Read full article PMCID: PMC3164593
Okamoto, S. K., Hurdle, D. E., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2001). Exploring culturally-based drug resistance strategies used by American Indian adolescents of the Southwest. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 47, 45-59.
Okamoto, S. K., LeCroy, C. W., Dustman, P. A., Hohmann-Marriott, B., & Kulis, S. (2004). Exploring competence for American Indian adolescents of the Southwest: An ecological assessment of drug related problem situations for American Indian adolescents of the Southwest. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 4, 47-63. doi: 10.1300/J160v04n03_04. Read full article PMCID: PMC3043617
Okamoto, S. K., LeCroy, C. W., Tann, S. S., Rayle, A. D., Kulis, S., Dustman, P. A., & Berceli, D. (2006). The implications of ecologically based assessment for primary prevention with indigenous youth populations. Journal of Primary Prevention, 27, 155-177. doi: 10.1007/s10935-005-0016-6. Read full article PMCID: PMC3043385
Rayle, A. D., Kulis, S., Okamoto, S. K., Tann, S. S., LeCroy, C.W., Dustman, P. A., & Burke, A.M. (2006). Who is offering and how often? Gender differences in drug offers among American Indian adolescents of the Southwest. Journal of Early Adolescence, 26, 1-22. doi: 10.1177/0272431606288551. Read full article PMCID: PMC3042715
Waller, M. A., Okamoto, S. K., Miles, B., & Hurdle, D. E. (2003). Resiliency factors related to substance use/resistance: Perceptions of Native adolescents of the Southwest. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 30, 79-94.
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